Sunday, December 7, 2014

Thanksgiving and Mad T

I thought it would be fun to do a post on our Thanksgiving and what we've been up to since the holidays are officially here.
This year was our first Thanksgiving where we made all of the food and it all turned out really great! 

Here's Kyle preparing the world famous Bronson stuffing

And here he is about to put the green bean casserole in the oven

After eating we busted out the Cabela's hunting game we have for the Wii and killed some bears and wolves.  Here is an action shot of Tony!

And here's us looking cute

Later that weekend we headed to Disneyland to say goodbye to the Mad T Party.  We have had some crazy times watching this show so it was sad to say goodbye.  The picture quality isn't the best but here is me with the DJ and us in the crowd.

I also picked up a new Duffy pin while we were there!

This past weekend we stopped by Starlight Circle to see Christmas lights and I didn't take any pictures of the houses but there was one house that had decorations dedicated to their bulldog named Louie. So we obviously had to get some pics with all the Louie swag.

And most importantly, we recently GOT A KEURIG!!!! Thanks Dad and Becky for the early Christmas present.  I have been drinking more coffee than ever before because it is the best thing ever.

We'll be heading back to Disneyland next Saturday to really enjoy the Christmas decorations so i'll post something about that later.  But in the meantime everyone can enjoy this picture of Santa Jude.

Friday, November 7, 2014

I'm back for real this time!

Hi everybody!  The blog is back!  And for real this time, I promise I am not going to post this and then not post anything for two years.  Kyle and I are living in San Diego now in our happy little home with our three wonderful cats.  I have started doing craft fairs again and have items in my Etsy shop so things are looking up.  I am not certain what I'm going to be posting on here yet but I plan on making it mostly of whatever I want to post or feel like at the time.  So, you can expect to see plenty of cute cat pictures and Disneyland posts in the near future.  If Kyle and I do anything super cool or I crochet something awesome i'll be sure to post about that too.  So, forget everything that the blog was about before cause i'm not going to try and make it something specific or force it to be a certain type of blog - we'll just see what happens.

I'm currently sitting on Katie's couch with her pup Libby and she wanted everyone to know this -
"I don't even know, ha ha ha."

So I guess it wasn't that important anyways.

Check out my new Etsy stuff!!

And check out this adorable picture of Libby:

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Welcome back to my blog!

Hi friends!  The blog is back and looking better than ever!

Since the last time I posted I have, moved to Los Angeles...

Gotten married...

Adopted Maxwell our new kitty...

And have updated my Etsy shop with custom made wreaths...

I plan on posting to the blog more often now and getting a lot more wreaths up as soon as the holidays change to Valentines Day and the weather starts changing to Springtime.  Just wanted to say hey to everyone and let you know that i'm back!!

and a p.s. special thanks to my hubby for the new blog design!  isn't it great!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Granny Squares Galore

I've decided tonight that I want to make myself an awesome granny square sweater (on top of all the other things I'm currently working on).  While searching for some kind of pattern I came across some other granny square garments that I couldn't help but share.

This poncho looks pretty comfy.  It tempts me to become the annoying family member or friend who makes poncho's for everyone and then expects you to wear them all the time.  I am not against poncho's or making poncho's, but this kind of looks like a blanket with a whole for your head.

I'm sure I could alter this dog sweater to fit a cat somehow.  

I think my boyfriend and I would look very stylish in these matching granny sweaters.  I have no doubt that he actually would wear that sweater too... and look good in it.

I think this sweater is awesome, and I would wear it, there was no pattern with this picture though.  Major bummer.

And this is the one I decided on making.  I'll be adding an extra row on the bottom though for length and will be using different colors than that.  Hopefully it turns out just as cute as I am imagining it to be in my head!
Who knows, if it turns out well maybe everyone really will end up getting granny poncho's and sweaters for their birthdays!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Thursday Purrrsday - Meet China Cat Sunflower!!

This week my friend Rachel and I had a fun skype date and I got to know a lot about her adorable kitty, China Cat Sunflower!!  Rachel and I have known each other since 8th grade and since we only get to see each other maybe once a year now it was so much fun getting to see her (and China!) on my computer.  

China is three years old and Rachel has had her for two years now, her "birthday" of living with Rachel was actually just a few days ago.  China was living in an old ladies basement next to Rachel's Grandma when she was rescued.  The old lady took a bad fall and ended up going in the hospital and was not going to be able to take care of China anymore, which is where Rachel stepped in and adopted her.

Her name comes from the song "China Cat Sunflower" by The Grateful Dead.  Rachel was having a really hard time picking out a name for her and one night at a friends party that song came on and everyone agreed that it was the perfect name for her new cat.  

Some of China's funny personality traits are...

Wanting to be held like a baby on your shoulder - she can stay like that for hours and often will turn her head and give kisses while she's being held.

Loving to get her butt spanked - not like a real spanking but more of a continuous patting.  According to Rachel, "A happy cat gets their butt spanked, I spank her butt at least twice a day."

Crying in the morning at very early hours to get fed but when she gets her food she walks away and doesn't eat it.

And my favorite trait China has, (which I think is more of a talent) is when she meows at people on the phone.  Rachel got China to start doing this because her boyfriend wanted to talk to her one night on the phone, so Rachel reinforced her to meow into the phone by giving her treats.  Now China associates the phone with treats so she follows Rachel around the house meowing whenever she is on the phone.  Rachel showed me and I thought it was the cutest thing in the world because she was talking to me, but Rachel is trying to teach her not to do that anymore

Rachel and her boyfriend love China so much they even got each other flasks with China's picture on them for Christmas!  

I think China is a very happy cat now that she is living with Rachel.  All through our skype call China kept coming and sitting in Rachel's lap and giving her kisses or touching her nose to Rachel's, it was so sweet to see.  And I know that Rachel is happy she rescued China and brought her into her family.  One thing Rachel said was, "I've had a bunch of cats and they've all been assholes.  They haven't liked me or don't want to be around me, but China is the best and the only cat who wants to hang out with me, sit on my lap and give me kisses all the time."

Thank you Rachel and China Cat Sunflower!!!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Etsy Shop Open!

Yes it's true my shop is finally open for business!!!  Come look at my fun headbands and headwraps!  More items to come!

You can get to my shop by the link on the right sidebar, or just click here!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Thursday Purrrsday - A Makeover Story

Both the cats got haircuts yesterday and I was told they both did great!
I knew Jude would be fine because she's had a haircut before and loved it.  I was a little worried about Prudence but they said she was very cooperative and everyone loved her.  Here are the results!

 Jude Before

Jude After!

Prudence Before

Prudence After!

Both the cats are acting normal and luckily since they smell the same there's not too much hissing going on between them (besides Jude's usual moodiness).
And best of all, no fleas in sight!

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