Thursday, September 29, 2011

Thursday Purrrsday - meet the kitties!

Thank goodness Thursday is finally here so I can make the first of many posts about my cats.  They are both sleeping right now, obviously not as enthused about this as I am.

First I'll introduce Jude...

I got Jude in 2008 when I was living in Hollywood.  The litter of kittens she was born with was actually found in the mold of the Iron Man costume, so she is a true Hollywood cat. 
When Jude was a kitten she had this weird obsession with Kleenex's.  If she got a hold of one she turned into a demon cat who would growl and try to bite and scratch you.  If I let her do her thing she would eventually rip it up and be done with it, I'm really happy she grew out of that.
 I had never had a cat before so I just treated her like I would a dog and I like to think that's why she turned out to be so social.  She is always waiting at the door for me when I come home and is always talking up a storm.  
Some of Jude's funny quirks include...
Using the toilet - yes, she is potty trained and I have a video to prove it
Sitting by her water bowl like she's lounging by the pool and getting herself all wet
Playing fetch like a dog with crumpled up paper balls
Forcing herself into any size box no matter how much she has to stretch the box out in the process
and more than once I have caught her snoring and meowing in her sleep.
She's also the ultimate cuddle cat and sometimes I wake up in the night wondering how and why I am spooning my cat.  And if you ask me she is just super adorable.

And now for Prudence...

I got Prudence in April of 2010 from a post on Craigslist.  I had been looking for about a month for another kitten and I fell in love with her when I saw this picture of her..
I think Prudence is the cutest kitten I've ever seen and I wish she was still this tiny sometimes.  Prudence was a crazy kitten though and hasn't really grown out of any of that yet.  She likes to wake me up at six in the morning by running full force at my window and walking in and out of the blinds.  She's also really good at opening doors and my cupboards and dumping all the towels out on the floor.  For the most part I don't mind though because she does this little kitten pose where her tail comes around to her feet and I can't stay mad at her.
Some of her other funny quirks are...
Chirping like a bird at noises or things outside
Opening her mouth to meow and having nothing come out, sometimes a little squeak will come out
Squinting her eyes at anything with a slightly strong scent.  She especially doesn't like Febreeze and Nail Polish or Nail Polish remover
Killing bugs out of the air in one swat
Sleeping on plastic bags and preferring them over pillows or blankets
And she loves bottle caps, I usually find stashes of them under my bed

As far as interacting with each other the cats fight and wrestle a lot but I know they secretly love each other.  Especially when I find them grooming each other (which rarely happens).  
I'm thankful every day that I decided to get Jude and Prudence because they bring so much entertainment into my life that I didn't have before.  I'm excited for many more Thursday Purrsdays to come!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

What I Wore To Work

dress - H&M
tights - We Love Color
purse - Macy's

Even though it's the Fall season, it's still in the 80's here in sunny San Diego.  This dress is perfect for the warm weather and if I wanted to I could wear a simple cardigan with it for when the weather gets a little cooler.  I love H&M because even though there dresses are so cute they are incredibly comfortable and I could easily wear one for the entire day.  My shoes I recently bought from Blowfish and I'm in love with them.  They really go with anything!! 
I felt the need to include my awesome Fossil purse because today it sadly started tearing at one of the corners.  I've been using this purse almost an entire year and I am usually the type to get a new one every month or so.  I guess I'll have to retire it soon, but I'm going to try and wear it out till the anniversary of when I got it, which was Black Friday.  

p.s. I'm attempting a "cute" pose in that last picture.  As you can see, I haven't exactly gotten it mastered yet... but I will!!

Ten Things About Me and My Blog!

Welcome to my blog!!!

1.  About Me!  
I'm a true Michigander, born and raised in the Midwest but have been living in SoCal for the past 5... almost 6 years.  I live with Katie, one of my best friends who is also from the Midwest (Chicago) and my two cats, Jude and Prudence.  Katie is currently my photographer and graphic designer for all this fun blog stuff so she'll probably be mentioned on here a lot.
I am a Gluten Free Pescetarian, I have tattoos and want to get more, and my favorite band is The Beatles.
I am currently obsessed with Crocheting, Disneyland, jewelry and clothes with sprinkles and/or ice cream designs, Zumba, fun colored tights, Harry Potter, and anything having to do with my cats.  I also love reading and usually finish books way too quickly (besides Pride and Prejudice because I can't seem to get past chapter 3).
Here is a picture of Katie and I right after we got our Premium Disneyland Passes just to prove that my obsession and roommate are real.

2.  About the Cats

I never considered myself a cat person until about 3 years ago and within those 3 years I have discovered that cats and crafts really go hand in hand.  My cats, Jude and Prudence have completely different personalities and are probably the greatest form of entertainment I have.  I could go on and on about them and I really want to type paragraphs and paragraphs about them right now but I'm going to save that for Thursday.

3.  About My Etsy Shop
Right now I am in the process of filling up my Etsy shop with lots of goodies and cute items to sell!  Mostly all items will be crocheted but I'm kind of going through a cross stitch obsession right now so maybe some cross stitch items will end up in there as well.  My plan right now is to have items to sell by the end of October, so that's something for everyone to look forward to!
Totally planning on making this cross stitch by the way...
from Steotch on Etsy

4.  What This Blog is All About
I've been inspired within the past year by a lot of blogs, but A Beautiful Mess was the first one that really got my attention.   Once I found Elsie's blog I started reading it every day and now my daily reads have grown to about ten blogs that I absolutely have to read every morning.  I have been debating opening my own Etsy Shop and Blog for a couple months now and decided to finally do it because I've found myself crafting more and more and wanting to try as many new things as possible.  I figured this would be the perfect opportunity to share what I make and learn from others and hopefully my blog can fit into the mix of all the other crafters and cat lovers out there.  I'm really hoping to evolve the blog into looking more creative and fun but for now I'm just working with what I can teach myself so hopefully it'll look better week by week.  I'm a pretty structured person who enjoys making lists and knowing what i'm doing next so here's what you can expect to see in my blog...

5.  "What I Did Over the Weekend" Mondays
The title is pretty self explanatory but every Monday I plan on uploading pictures of fun things I did over the weekend!  My weekends are pretty awesome because i'll either be in San Diego or Los Angeles and there are always things going on in the cities and in my life!

6.  Ten Things I love Tuesdays
There are a lot of random things I find on Etsy and the web every day and I usually want to share all of them but don't want to overwhelm Twitter and Facebook too much with these, so I am crazy about the idea of having a day when I can list 10 things I love.  I might have themes for the items or they might just be random, it will just depend on the week.  But I promise all the things I love are awesome.
For example, this amazing tshirt from I'm You Present on Etsy...
I think its pretty obvious that I need this tshirt since my name is LiziLovesCake.  

7.  What I Wore To Work Wednesdays
Every Wednesday I plan on wearing something extra cute, sharing it, and telling where my outfits are from.  I'm excited about these posts but also nervous because I am committing myself to looking EXTRA cute every Wednesday.  I will try my hardest not to wear repeat outfits or have frumpy pony tail hair on these days. ;-)

8.  Thursday Purrrrrsdays!!!
Oh yes, this is the day I am most excited for.  I am already wishing every day could be Thursday Purrrrsdays because it means I get to post fun things about my cats and all the other kitties in the world.  
Here is a cute picture of Jude to hold all of us over until then...

9.  Gluten Free Fridays
Every Friday I'm going to try and post about a Gluten Free food I love or something I've heard about/discovered recently.  I know what it's like to have to suddenly eat Gluten Free and not know where to start or even where to go shopping.  So hopefully I can help some people out with this subject.

10.  Other things to expect
Besides all my fun themes I am going to try and post about other things in my life I love to do or learn more about.  Once I get my Etsy shop running i'm sure certain things will change and hopefully i'll think of other things to do and add onto here.  I'm excited to see where this goes!  

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