Thursday, September 29, 2011

Thursday Purrrsday - meet the kitties!

Thank goodness Thursday is finally here so I can make the first of many posts about my cats.  They are both sleeping right now, obviously not as enthused about this as I am.

First I'll introduce Jude...

I got Jude in 2008 when I was living in Hollywood.  The litter of kittens she was born with was actually found in the mold of the Iron Man costume, so she is a true Hollywood cat. 
When Jude was a kitten she had this weird obsession with Kleenex's.  If she got a hold of one she turned into a demon cat who would growl and try to bite and scratch you.  If I let her do her thing she would eventually rip it up and be done with it, I'm really happy she grew out of that.
 I had never had a cat before so I just treated her like I would a dog and I like to think that's why she turned out to be so social.  She is always waiting at the door for me when I come home and is always talking up a storm.  
Some of Jude's funny quirks include...
Using the toilet - yes, she is potty trained and I have a video to prove it
Sitting by her water bowl like she's lounging by the pool and getting herself all wet
Playing fetch like a dog with crumpled up paper balls
Forcing herself into any size box no matter how much she has to stretch the box out in the process
and more than once I have caught her snoring and meowing in her sleep.
She's also the ultimate cuddle cat and sometimes I wake up in the night wondering how and why I am spooning my cat.  And if you ask me she is just super adorable.

And now for Prudence...

I got Prudence in April of 2010 from a post on Craigslist.  I had been looking for about a month for another kitten and I fell in love with her when I saw this picture of her..
I think Prudence is the cutest kitten I've ever seen and I wish she was still this tiny sometimes.  Prudence was a crazy kitten though and hasn't really grown out of any of that yet.  She likes to wake me up at six in the morning by running full force at my window and walking in and out of the blinds.  She's also really good at opening doors and my cupboards and dumping all the towels out on the floor.  For the most part I don't mind though because she does this little kitten pose where her tail comes around to her feet and I can't stay mad at her.
Some of her other funny quirks are...
Chirping like a bird at noises or things outside
Opening her mouth to meow and having nothing come out, sometimes a little squeak will come out
Squinting her eyes at anything with a slightly strong scent.  She especially doesn't like Febreeze and Nail Polish or Nail Polish remover
Killing bugs out of the air in one swat
Sleeping on plastic bags and preferring them over pillows or blankets
And she loves bottle caps, I usually find stashes of them under my bed

As far as interacting with each other the cats fight and wrestle a lot but I know they secretly love each other.  Especially when I find them grooming each other (which rarely happens).  
I'm thankful every day that I decided to get Jude and Prudence because they bring so much entertainment into my life that I didn't have before.  I'm excited for many more Thursday Purrsdays to come!

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