Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Ten Things I Love to Hate about Mini Golf

Today Melissa and I went to the Tiki Island Volcano Mini Golf course and we were the only ones there!! We realized that mini golf is not all it was cracked up to be when we were kids. So here's our list of the 10 things we love to hate about it.
By the way, this is being done on my phone and the pics were taken on my phone as well so it's not the best quality.

1. Annoying obstacles in the middle of the green.

2. Tiny pencils and score cards

3. Not being able to find your black ball in the black light room

4. Disgusting green murky waters

5. Two level holes - it's a mystery of where the ball is going to come out

6. People who take dumb photos with the props and decorations

7. Elephant Butts

8. Cheesy tourist palm tree photos

9. Those people who rub it in obnoxiously when they get a hole in one

10. Holes with stones that are shaped like inappropriate things. Butt cheeks anyone?

Despite all of these things we noticed tonight we still had a fun time and enjoyed doing the things we hate

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