Monday, October 31, 2011
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
What I Work To Work - Red Hair and Pink Shoes
shirt - Hot Topic
pants - Target
sweater - borrowed from Katie (Old Navy)
shoes - Hot Topic
flower - gifted
As of Monday, all of my hair is officially red. So far I am loving it and think I make a pretty awesome red head. It's interesting experimenting with colors of clothing and a new hair color and I thought Katie's cardigan complimented the color really nicely. I'm sure i'll start encountering colors that look bad with the red too, I'm thinking green probably won't look too nice with it... not until Christmas at least. I didn't realize until now that I was wearing two things from Hot Topic, sometimes they have hidden treasures in that store. I actually got the shoes on clearance about a year ago but whenever I wear them out I always get at least two or three compliments from strangers. It is a fact that all types of people are attracted to bright pink!!
Friday, October 21, 2011
Thursday Purrrsday - Jude Wants Some Milk
Jude is in love with milk but I never let her have it because it make her stomach upset. But whenever we are eating cereal or having anything with milk she'll linger around until she thinks she has a chance to get some. Katie caught her trying to get any last drop out of her empty cup, but her paw never seems to go all the way to the bottom so I can't imagine she's even getting that much. But Jude will take any little bit of milk she can get, and its totally adorable watching her try.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Give Me A Head With Hair
When the moon is in the Seventh House and Jupiter aligns with Mars, then peace will guide the planets...
and I will have the luckiest night seeing Hair!
I decided to go see Hair tonight and ended up going by myself, which is something I wouldn't usually do. But the planets must have been aligned in my favor tonight or something because I got a free ticket from a really nice lady (from Michigan!) and sat front and center in the 5th row! Getting to sit close enough to watch everyone's faces and see it all up close was incredible, I've never had that experience before. When I offered to pay for my ticket the lady told me, "Sometimes good things just need to happen to people" and I couldn't agree more. I think I kind of turned into a hippy tonight.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Ten Things I Love Tuesday!
Loving this University of Michigan sweater from the Victoria's Secret Pink College Collection!
This is from Water Baby Boutique on Etsy.
It is made for a baby but I really think it should be made in my size.
Ok so I haven't seen this yet so I don't know if I really love it, but the past two movies have actually freaked me out pretty badly. We are going to see it this weekend and I'm really excited. I got pretty creeped out just looking for this picture because there were tons of pictures from the first two movies. I definitely had to turn some lights on in my room.
Blue hair!!! My hair will be this color one day.
I am in love with this headboard from Urban Outfitters. It reminds me of Don and Betty's headboard in Mad Men, and I always wish I had theirs when I watch the show.
This fun pillow from Moonspiritstudios on Etsy is so cute!
These are Steve Madden shoes and their name is SOOKIEE. I don't know if they have anything to do with True Blood but, it made me like them more then I already did.
This holiday dress from Modcloth is so pretty. I really want to wear it to a Christmas party.
It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown!! One of the best Halloween movies ever.
And this adorable picture of Jude when she was little. Look at her fancy collar and name tag! She wouldn't wear it anymore shortly after this was taken. But its ok because there's no way a name tag would even be seen today with her huge mane of hair and all.
Monday, October 17, 2011
My Weekend in Photos - It's Pumpkin Tiiiime
We had a very fun filled Halloween weekend complete with pumpkin carving, scary movies and home made E.T. costumes!
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Thursday Purrrsday - Prudence and Her Mouse
While I was gone Katie took a few videos of the cats playing and she caught Prudence being crazy cat. Prudence usually acts like she has ADD when she is playing and gets bored very easily, and I think you can see her doing that pretty clearly in this video. Jude makes a short appearance too!
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
What I Wore To Work - Black and White and Red
shirt - Tilly's
pants - Kohls
shoes - payless
nails - Sally Hansen
bow - made by me
I didn't realize this morning how insanely hot is was going to be in San Diego today. And then when we came outside to take these pictures I think I immediately started sweating, which is why there aren't very many. It's also why I'm dressed for fall/winter in my outfit. Out of all the brightly colored clothes I have I am for some reason always attracted to grays and blacks and I find that a lot of the time I wear these colors to work. And today was one of those days. But I'm probably just thinking that if I dress wintery then maybe it will start to cool down here a bit. Go away 90 degree weather I want to wear my boots already!
p.s. I brought my book with me to use as a prop - I know it looks dorky in that last picture but I still like it.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Ten Things I Love Tuesday
photo via official website
I just finished this book today and really ended up liking it. I bought the second book this afternoon and geeked out by looking up as much as I possibly could about the movie too. It was a much different story than I've ever really read before. I just hope the movie turns out to be good.
RKM designs on Etsy sells these crochet beard hats. I thought this was a really funny and awesome idea.
I bought this lotion on vacation because I didn't pack any and only got it because it was the cheapest I could find, but oh my gosh it smells soooo good and makes my skin feel so soft. I want to go buy bottles and bottles of it and use it every morning and night.
photo via Blandy Snorhal on Etsy
I love how happy this ghost is to have a belly full of ice cream! That's the face I usually make too after eating ice cream like that.
I am in desperate need of a catch all dish for my bathroom and this one from Urban Outfitters is looking pretty great right now.
My nails! Sally Hansen has these Salon Effects nail polish stick ons that are to die for! Only $10 for nails that look like you got an expensive manicure. And mine have lasted a good 6 days now and are just starting to chip a little bit. I can't wait to try more of the designs!
Granny Squares!! And this colorful picture of them!!
Pumpkin patches!! We are going to a pumpkin patch this weekend and I am so excited about it. I miss Michigan this time of year and the fall weather, so I'm really hoping it'll feel like I'm home.
I changed the background on my phone to this picture today and it makes me happy. I love pretty pictures of cupcakes.
I googled "cats in costumes" earlier and this picture came up and had me laughing to myself. Scuba diving cats are the best, and I really love how the wetsuit covers up the entire tail of the cat. Awesome.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Ten Things I Love to Hate about Mini Golf
Today Melissa and I went to the Tiki Island Volcano Mini Golf course and we were the only ones there!! We realized that mini golf is not all it was cracked up to be when we were kids. So here's our list of the 10 things we love to hate about it.
By the way, this is being done on my phone and the pics were taken on my phone as well so it's not the best quality.
1. Annoying obstacles in the middle of the green.

2. Tiny pencils and score cards

3. Not being able to find your black ball in the black light room

4. Disgusting green murky waters

5. Two level holes - it's a mystery of where the ball is going to come out

6. People who take dumb photos with the props and decorations

7. Elephant Butts

8. Cheesy tourist palm tree photos

9. Those people who rub it in obnoxiously when they get a hole in one

10. Holes with stones that are shaped like inappropriate things. Butt cheeks anyone?

Despite all of these things we noticed tonight we still had a fun time and enjoyed doing the things we hate
By the way, this is being done on my phone and the pics were taken on my phone as well so it's not the best quality.
1. Annoying obstacles in the middle of the green.

2. Tiny pencils and score cards

3. Not being able to find your black ball in the black light room

4. Disgusting green murky waters

5. Two level holes - it's a mystery of where the ball is going to come out

6. People who take dumb photos with the props and decorations

7. Elephant Butts

8. Cheesy tourist palm tree photos

9. Those people who rub it in obnoxiously when they get a hole in one

10. Holes with stones that are shaped like inappropriate things. Butt cheeks anyone?

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